Michael Goorevich Sound Design & Mix  םיטרסל  דנואס סקימו  לוקספ  בוציע - ׳ץיברוג לאכימ

Completed Projects

Here are just the few films we worked on:

Home – Sound Design & Mix
The Shoshani Riddle – Sound Design & Mix
Wild Urge – Sound Design & Mix
Berenshtein – Sound Design & Mix
Til Kingdom Come – Sound Design & Mix
Golden Voices – Sound Design & Mix
Van Goghs – Sound Design & Mix
Dead of Jaffa – Sound Design & Mix
Holy Air – Sound Design & Mix
Here and Now – Sound Design & Mix
Forever Pure – Sound Design & Mix
Red Cow – Sound Design & Mix
Low Tide – Sound Design & Mix
Personal Affairs – Sound Design & Mix
The Man in the Wall – Sound Design & Mix